A downloadable project

After youre friends brother got jealous of his sister for being able too enter a special school he was not able too attend, He blows up the school with youre friend still in it as revenge. 

Devestated and angry you eventually meet youre friends father who wants you too avenge his daughter by getting revenge on her brother, He gives you a mechanic cyborg suit and you start youre quest too find her brother and too take down the lieutenants and army of agents he sends youre way too stop you.

Will you take on youre new quest as the Avenger too Avenge Her by getting revenge on her brother or will you fall trying?

Note This is not a real game 


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Also since i didnt give my email address considering i wasnt going too enter for the price money and beacuse i didnt follow the theme, 

Iam not sure how this competition works, But please dont vote for this too win the competition since i never gave my email for it and beacuse i didnt follow the theme.

I sincerly apriceate if pepole enjoy my submission and my art but someone who actually followed the theme deserves too win the money instead

I like the story! Also, I like how it  has some pretty spot on game elements to fit with the description.